Autore Aa.vv. (electro)   Euro
Titolo Essential electro – the business  
supporto LPBOX edizione originale          stereo  
anno 1984 stampa uk etichetta   street sounds   codice 323901

condizioni   [vinile]  Excellent  [copertina]  Good  

versione per stampa
Copia con diversi segni di usura sulla superficie del cofanetto, prima rara stampa inglese, pressata in 5.000 esemplari, cofanetto senza barcode con scritta ''limited edition'' sul fronte in basso, contenente nove lp, con label bianca e gialla e scritte rosse e nere, catalogo HBOX1. Pubblicato nel 1984 dalla Street Sounds, leggendaria label inglese dedita a compilare musica electro e hip hop, questo cofanetto offre in un solo pacchetto il contenuto di otto seminali raccolte uscite anche separatamente, i cui brani sono qui raggruppati in ordine su ciascun vinile, piu' un disco bonus con quattro ulteriori brani, intitolato ''Bonus break''. Le raccolte in questione sono ''Electro 1'', ''Electro 2'', ''Electro 3'', ''Electro 4'', ''Electro 5'', ''Crucial electro 1'', ''Crucial electro 2'' e ''UK electro''; decine di brani che offrono una panoramica quasi enciclopedica su questo genere musicale sospeso fra dance elettronica e funk, che influenzo' anche l' hip hop. Questa la scaletta: The Packman, ''I'm the packman (eat everything I can)''; Newclews, ''Jam on revenge (the wikki-wikki song)''; West Street Mob, ''Break Dancin' - Electric Boogie''; C-Bank, ''Get Wet''; K-9 Corp, ''Dog Talk''; G-Force, ''Feel The Force''; Project Future, ''Ray-Gun-Omics''; Captain Rock, ''The Return Of Capt. Rock''; B-Boys, ''Two, Three Break'', ''Cuttin' Herbie''; Xena, ''On The Upside''; Hashim, ''Al-Naafiysh (The Soul)''; Rammelizee vs. K-Bob, ''Beat Bop''; Two Sisters, ''B Boys Beware (Club Mix)''; Grandmaster Flash & Melle Mel, ''White Lines (Don't Don't Do It)''; Divine Sounds, ''Dollar Bill''; Imperial Brothers, ''We Come To Rock''; Newclews, ''Jam On It''; Boogie Boys, ''Zodiac''; Pumpkin, ''King Of The Beat''; Davy DMX, ''One For The Treble (Fresh)''; Fresh 3 MC's, ''Fresh''; Steps Ahead, ''Radio Active''; Pumpkin and the Profile All Stars, ''Here Comes That Beat!''; Herbie Hancock, ''Mega Mix''; Run-DMC, ''Sucker MC's''; Key-Matic, ''Breakin' In Space''; VHB, ''Beethoven's Fifth (Street) Symphony''; Cybotron, ''Techno City''; Great Peso & Mr. Nasty, ''It's Time To Rock''; Dr. Jeckyll & Mr. Hyde, ''Fast Life''; Knights of the Turntables, ''Techno Scratch''; Egyptian Lover, ''Egypt, Egypt''; Arthur Baker, ''Breaker's Revenge''; Captain Rock, ''Capt. Rock To The Future Shock''; Aleem, ''Release Yourself Tonight''; Fantasy Three, ''The Buck Stops Here''; High Fidelity Three, ''B Boys Breakdance''; Tyrone Brunson, ''The Smurf''; Warp 9, ''Light Years Away'', ''Nunk (New Wave Funk)''; Man Parrish, ''Hip Hop Be Bop (Don't Stop)''; Herbie Hancock, ''Rockit''; Twilight 22, ''Electric Kingdom''; Cybotron, ''Clear''; Hashim, ''Al-Naafiyish (The Soul)''; Captain Rock, ''The Return Of Capt. Rock''; Time Zone, ''Wild Style''; B-Boys, ''Two, Three Break''; Russell Brothers, ''The Party Scene (SV)''; Davy DMX, ''One For The Treble (Fresh)''; The Packman, ''I'm The Packman''; Shannon, ''Let The Music Play (Dub)''; Xena, ''On The Upside''; Afrika Bambaata & Soulsonic Force, ''Planet Rock''; Jonzun Crew, ''Pac Jam (Look Out For The OVC)''; Zer-O, ''Real Time (Retrospective Dub)''; Syncbeat, ''Music''; Broken Glass, ''Style Of The Street''; Foreveraction, ''U People''; Zer-O, ''Real Time''; Rapologists, ''Hip Hop Beat (Street Mix)''; Foreveraction ''Bed "34"''; DJ Born Supreme Allah, ''Hip Hop On Wax Volume 3''; DJ Red Alert, ''Hip Hop On Wax Volume 2''; DJ Chuck Chillout, ''Hip Hop On Wax Volume 1''; DJ Born Supreme Allah/DJ Red Alert/DJ Chuck Chillout, ''Hip Hop On Wax Volume 1, 2, 3 Megamix.    
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